Friday, March 27, 2015

I'd rather live in a technologically advanced world than

I'd rather live in a technologically advanced world than in a primitive era. All I need is the intelligence and a sense of responsibility in using everything that has become available to me in the present time.
I simply don't share the sentiment of many people who always point out and imply that their respective younger days were better. Other than nostalgia and the great memories about one's childhood or youth as well as the idea of being able to not work and just rely on one's parents when one was still a child or a teenager, there's really nothing great in the past for me.

I'm the type who has the ability to see the beauty in the technological advancement and the societal awareness that the current world has given humankind.
After all, in the great picture of existence, this generation is just a part of the never-ending evolution of the world at large.
I could never claim that my generation was a so much better world because, in doing so, I would be claiming also that the other past generations and generations yet to come suck. That would be unfair, selfish, and narrowminded. 
I just happened to live in this generation so I make the most out of whatever is available.
Many people in the past also did the same--maximized whatever was available to them. In the same manner that people in the future will just also maximize whatever will be available to them.
People who think that their generation was the best are exhibiting what is known as chronocentrism. And I am not one of them.

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